Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Recipe - Mason Jar Oatmeal

You want to know one of my favorite oxymorons?  Here it is: Breakfast Time.

At my house, mornings are usually anything but leisurely.  After getting up, getting myself ready, feeding the dogs, letting them out to potty, making coffee, getting my daughter up, dressed and fed and making sure my husband hasn't forgotten anything on his way out the door, I almost never have time to make a real breakfast for myself.  Usually it's a quick-grab-a-banana or hey-where-are-the-granola-bars kind of event for me.  If I even manage to grab anything at all on my way out the door to teach fitness classes.

That doesn't work so well for me.  Teaching fitness classes on an empty stomach = sluggish instructor.  Sluggish instructor = sluggish students.  Sluggish students = bad workout.  Bad workout = unhappy gym members.  Capiche?    

So.... I needed to figure out a way to get some real food in me before I rush off to teach.  Enter MASON JAR OATMEAL!!!!  Easy breezy.  You can prepare a bunch of them and then just use them one by one.  They can be all the same or all different!  So many options!

1. Start with mason jars.

Wash them.  Let them dry.  And you're ready to begin!

2.  Add oats.

Just oats.  That's it.

3.  Add dry toppings.

This is the point where you put in things that you like to flavor your oatmeal.  These are some of my favorites (not all together obviously.  Although you could....)

4.  Store them!

Easy to stack in a pantry or on the countertop for easy access.

5.  Add water.

Add boiling water, cover, and let stand for 10 minutes or so while you finish getting ready or loading the dishwasher or doing whatever you do in your morning routine!

6.  Add any extra toppings you want.

This is where I like to add my "fresh toppings" as I call them.  Such as blueberries, bananas, yogurt or milk.  Stir to incorporate.

7.  Grab a spoon!

Dig in!  YUM!  Bon Appetit! 

Healthy, easy, fast, and versatile.  What more you could ask for in a breakfast?  Have fun! :)

Monday, December 14, 2015

13.1 - The Holiday Half

Yesterday was RACE DAY!  I was so excited!  It was a very early day (and resulted in a nap in the afternoon -  a rarity for me!) and 13.1 miles is a long way but it was amazing and terrible and fun and I can't wait to do it again!

Check out my other blog, The Haunted Crow, to read a more detailed description of the race!  Click HERE to read the blog post.