Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Secret Weapon - Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of those things that, at least in my opinion, is weird until you try it for yourself.  White and almost flaky in its' solid form and clear and oily in its' liquid form and smelling sweet and, well, coconut-y, coconut oil packs a nutritious and practical punch.  With websites galore touting its' abilities and uses, there is no reason not to have it in your pantry!

With medicinal, nutritional and cosmetic uses, coconut oil is extremely versatile.  Cook with it, slather it on baby's bottom to prevent diaper rash, bake with it, remove your eye makeup with it, put it in your coffee, use it as a sunscreen, even use it to alleviate allergies!  Coconut oil is being called a "super food" and it appears to be an apt title.

Coconut oil has what are called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs).  MCTs are a fatty acid that the liver uses for energy.  They are also turned into "ketone bodies" which can help alleviate symptoms of, or possibly help prevent, brain disorders.  Cultures in which coconut oil has been consumed for thousands of years are said to be healthier and suffer from fewer diseases than the Western world.  Whether this is tied directly to coconut oil consumption or if there's a third-party correlation (i.e., less fast food, less tobacco, and the like) I'm not sure, but I think it's safe to say that coconut oil doesn't hurt!

It has been stated that coconut oil can help lower cholesterol.  Studies have shown that the high levels of saturated fats in coconut oil, previously thought to be harmful but now are being shown to be helpful, help raise the "good" cholesterol level (HDL) and lower the LDL, or "bad" cholesterol.  Having healthy levels of cholesterol can help prevent heart disease.

Omega 6 fatty acids have been shown to help regulate metabolism.  Coconut oil is a great source of omega 6!  Consuming fat to help burn fat is a strange idea to some.  The difference lies in the type of fat you consume.  The word "fat" has a bad reputation that it really doesn't deserve.  Without fat in our diets, we'd all be dead.  Period.

The way I like to consume coconut oil is in my coffee.  Put a cup of coffee and 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil in the blender and voilá!  The coconut oil froths up and makes me believe, for a second, that I'm drinking something from Starbucks.  So good!


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