Wednesday, August 26, 2015

10 Minutes Or Less

As Mommy to a 9-month-old, I understand all too well the meaning of the words "I don't have time."  Just when I am getting started on something I need to get done, the baby wakes up or needs a diaper change or wants to nurse.  Heaven forbid I should walk out of her sight to try to do anything for more than a second at a time!  Even going to the bathroom has become a group activity!  With a baby and two French Bulldogs - there's barely room for me!  So often I fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day and my to-do list is still a mile long.  Such is life with a baby.

Oftentimes all I have is 10 minutes.  10 minutes to do something for ME.

So I've compiled a list of 10 things I, personally, like to do for myself that take 10 minutes or less.  If you feel short on time, I encourage you to make a list like this!  And when you find yourself needing some "me time", refer to the list and pick the one that sounds the best right then!  10 minutes isn't much but it's better than nothing!

1.  Play a "mindless" game.  One of my go-to things when I have a few minutes to myself is to play a game on my phone.  Word jumbles and solitaire are my two faves.  It's good just to numb out and focus on the game instead of the piles of laundry and dishes.  Those can wait for 10 minutes!

2.  Go for a walk.  Obviously this one doesn't apply when the baby is napping, since you can't leave them at home by themselves, but if you're alone and just overwhelmed by chores (or anything, really!) then a walk is a great way to clear your head!  Listen to music or just tune in to the ambient sounds around you.  It's an awesome way to refocus.  And it leads into my number three....

3.  Exercise.  This is my number one thing I like to do when I have time to myself.  I have an elliptical and free weights at my house, so when the baby is napping I like to go down to the "gym room" and work out.  Even if I only get 10 minutes, like I said before, it's better than nothing!

4.  Have a drink.  For me, having a drink means coffee or tea.  Or diet soda, if I'm feeling particularly adventurous.  I'm not advocating drinking alcohol in an unhealthy way, but I know lots of people who like to unwind with a glass of wine in the evenings.  But if we're talking midday, pour yourself a glass of juice, soda, sparkling water, hell, even chocolate milk if you like!  Sit down, relax, chill out.  Or make a cup of coffee or tea and sip it slowly, enjoy the flavor.  

5.  Plan.  I love having a plan.  When I feel stressed and discombobulated, making lists and plans makes me feel calmer.  Plan a party.  Plan a meal.  Plan a trip.  Plan a shopping trip.  Plan a surprise.  Just planning something helps you feel in control, and that makes everything a little easier.

6.  Treat your feet.  Our poor feet!  We walk around on them ALL DAY and rarely ever do we thank them!  Think about it - the whole of your body weight (plus whatever/whomever you are carrying!) resting on the relatively small surface area of the bottoms of your feet!  Take some lotion and massage your poor little feet.  Get in between your toes, too!  Rub your arches.  The poor dears are overworked and seriously underpaid!

7.  Write a letter.  My best friend lives in Canada and we often send packages and letters to each other.  It's just a fun way to stay connected (other than via electronics, that is!)  It only takes a couple minutes to jot a few lines.  We often do what I call a "running letter" - meaning it runs over several days.  Each new day I write the date on the letter so she can see which days it covered.

8.  Read.  A magazine, a book, a favorite blog (this one, perhaps?), the back of a cereal box - whatever it is, take a few minutes to transport yourself out of your current surroundings by reading something!  Whether it's substantial reading or the latest issue of Cosmopolitan, reading can really get you out of your own head!

9.  Laugh out loud.  When I'm really stressed out, I love to go on to YouTube, look up funny animal videos, and laugh until my abs hurt!  Fail compilation videos are also good for a daily dose of schadenfreude.  Whatever tickles your fancy, laugh it up!  You'll burn calories and feel great.  What's not to love about that?

10.  Kick back.  Sometimes just laying back and doing absolutely nothing is exactly what I need.  I close my eyes and try to hold as still as possible.  I try to imagine a blank screen.  Don't think.  Don't wonder.  Don't worry.  Don't move.  It's the only form of meditation that really works for me.

Whatever you do to take care of yourself, remember that it doesn't need to be for hours on end (although if you have hours, be grateful!)  Even 10 minutes here and there can do wonders for your sanity.  Be kind to yourself.  Love yourself.  We are all doing the best we can!

Happy Wednesday! xoxoxo

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