Thursday, August 27, 2015

Secret Weapon - Crockpot

The crockpot is my best friend.

Don't tell that to my actual friends.  But really, I'd be lost without it.  We would be living off of salad with microwaved Morning Star Black Bean patties and cereal if it wasn't for the crockpot.  

Here is something I discovered this past winter that I wish I would have known earlier: the crockpot makes the very best, and I do mean the very best, chicken.  It's embarrassingly easy.  And here's the secret: soup.

For a dinner that is as versatile as it is convenient, put chicken breast in the crockpot, add a can of soup, and cook on high for an hour and a half.  Yep, you read that right.  90 minutes.  Add whatever else you want and voilá!  Family-pleasing food and it only took you 5 minutes to prepare!

The other day I looked in the fridge, wondering what to make for dinner, and I saw I had some chicken breast that was almost to its' "use or freeze by" date.  So I opened the pantry, stared into the depths for a moment, and quickly conjured up this recipe from what I had.

Crockpot Chicken-and-Whatever Soup

-Chicken breast (about a pound), cut into 1 inch pieces
-1 can Progresso light creamy tomato soup
-1 can mixed black, pinto and kidney beans (or any single bean work too)
-salt and pepper to taste
-shredded cheese (optional)

1) Put all ingredients into crockpot.
2)  Cook on high for 90 minutes.
3)  Sprinkle shredded cheese on top, if desired.

It works with literally any kind of soup you want!  Or salsa is another good option.  Or water, if you just want plain old chicken.  Basically the formula is like this:  chicken + liquid + 90 min on high = food.  Remember that basic information and you're good.  Be creative!  Have fun!

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