Thursday, September 3, 2015

Secret Weapon - Tupperware!

In keeping with the theme of this blog... want an idea for a fast, easy dinner that you can throw together in 5 minutes?  Behold the wondrous SALAD!


Don't you hate wilted lettuce?  It always happens to me where I buy a bag of salad mix and use some of it for a salad for dinner one night, and before I have a chance to use the rest, it wilts!  Every freaking time!

Enter Tupperware.

If you divide the lettuce evenly between Tupperware containers, the portions you don't use will keep in the fridge nicely.  Even up to 5 days!  Another upshot of using tupperware for this purpose is that you can just throw your salad toppings into the Tupperware, snap the lid, shake shake shake and BAM!  Evenly distributed salad dressing and toppings, and it's good to go, too.

Whoever invented Tupperware is a genius.

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