Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Recipe - Mason Jar Oatmeal

You want to know one of my favorite oxymorons?  Here it is: Breakfast Time.

At my house, mornings are usually anything but leisurely.  After getting up, getting myself ready, feeding the dogs, letting them out to potty, making coffee, getting my daughter up, dressed and fed and making sure my husband hasn't forgotten anything on his way out the door, I almost never have time to make a real breakfast for myself.  Usually it's a quick-grab-a-banana or hey-where-are-the-granola-bars kind of event for me.  If I even manage to grab anything at all on my way out the door to teach fitness classes.

That doesn't work so well for me.  Teaching fitness classes on an empty stomach = sluggish instructor.  Sluggish instructor = sluggish students.  Sluggish students = bad workout.  Bad workout = unhappy gym members.  Capiche?    

So.... I needed to figure out a way to get some real food in me before I rush off to teach.  Enter MASON JAR OATMEAL!!!!  Easy breezy.  You can prepare a bunch of them and then just use them one by one.  They can be all the same or all different!  So many options!

1. Start with mason jars.

Wash them.  Let them dry.  And you're ready to begin!

2.  Add oats.

Just oats.  That's it.

3.  Add dry toppings.

This is the point where you put in things that you like to flavor your oatmeal.  These are some of my favorites (not all together obviously.  Although you could....)

4.  Store them!

Easy to stack in a pantry or on the countertop for easy access.

5.  Add water.

Add boiling water, cover, and let stand for 10 minutes or so while you finish getting ready or loading the dishwasher or doing whatever you do in your morning routine!

6.  Add any extra toppings you want.

This is where I like to add my "fresh toppings" as I call them.  Such as blueberries, bananas, yogurt or milk.  Stir to incorporate.

7.  Grab a spoon!

Dig in!  YUM!  Bon Appetit! 

Healthy, easy, fast, and versatile.  What more you could ask for in a breakfast?  Have fun! :)

Monday, December 14, 2015

13.1 - The Holiday Half

Yesterday was RACE DAY!  I was so excited!  It was a very early day (and resulted in a nap in the afternoon -  a rarity for me!) and 13.1 miles is a long way but it was amazing and terrible and fun and I can't wait to do it again!

Check out my other blog, The Haunted Crow, to read a more detailed description of the race!  Click HERE to read the blog post.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Top 6 Nutrition Tips & Tricks

With Thanksgiving coming up fast here in the United States, you are bound to see tons of articles, posts and videos about how to cut calories, slash fat and/or burn off everything you eat this holiday season with the newest fad in exercise.  Given that this is a health blog, you might expect to find that here too.  But I have news for you.....


That's right!  I am not going to tell you to cut calories, slash fat and/or burn off everything you eat.  Why?  Because that takes all the fun out of eating Thanksgiving dinner!   It's called THANKSgiving, not GUILTgiving!  I am perpetually frustrated by the negativity permeating this holiday, and not just because I'm working toward recovery from an eating disorder.  In my opinion, it negates what the holiday is all about in the first place!

So instead of telling you to make your mashed potatoes healthier and to nix the gravy, I'm going to tell you to eat it and enjoy it.  Give thanks for it.  Savor it.  Smile.

I'm also going to tell you that I think the best plan of action is to be healthy and eat healthy ALL THE TIME, not just during the holidays!  Here are my Top Six Nutrition Tips & Tricks:

1. Make friends with salad. Salad can be your best friend and your worst enemy.  Dressings, cheese, meats and croutons can add serious fat and calories to your otherwise-healthful entree.  If you're a dressing fan, try a lower calorie or fat-free dressing option.  Or just have your dressing on the side and dip your fork tines in it before spearing your next bite.  If you're a meat-on-salad type, opt for leaner meats like chicken, turkey or shrimp.  Use cheese sparingly (but don't skip it, it's delicious!) and try to go easy on the croutons.  Experiment with other toppings.  Change it up!  Salad is one of the most versatile foods around and is fun to play around with.  My favorite salad toppings are peas, avocado, tomatoes and black beans!

2. Skip the sweeteners. We've all heard that artificial sweeteners are the devil.  It's not literally true but they are bad for you.  Some studies have shown that artificial sweeteners actually contribute to weight gain and other nasty things by tricking your body into thinking that it needs sweet things, thereby causing you to crave more sweet things.  Try using natural sweetening agents such as honey or Stevia (the liquid kind) in your coffee or tea, and experiment with putting fruit in your oatmeal instead of brown sugar.  It'll take some getting used to but your taste buds will adjust and you won't miss all the chemicals you used to be ingesting!

3.  Protein up! It's no secret that protein is an essential part of a healthy diet.  Protein keeps you feeling satiated and helps build muscle!  I've found that having some lean protein at each main meal helps me stay alert, energized and even-keeled.  I don't get as many blood sugar crashes when I've had my protein!  Eggs or Greek yogurt are great to have at breakfast or lunch and turkey, chicken or white fish are my go-to foods for dinners.  Nuts, legumes and dairy all can provide protein too.  There's lots of choices, have fun!

4. Hydrate. Sometimes, when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty!  If you've eaten what you think is an appropriate amount but are still feeling peckish, try drinking a big glass of water.  Then wait twenty minutes.  If you still feel hungry, then you probably are.  Staying hydrated helps keep all our systems running properly.  Dehydration can cause headaches and other yucky sensations, not to mention it can majorly mess up our bodies!  Make sure you drink enough water every day.  One source suggests the following as a guide for how much water you should drink per day: your weight divided in half = the number of ounces you should aim for.  So if you weigh 100 pounds, you need about 50 ounces of water.  If you feel thirsty, water is the best choice!

5. Carbs for cardio. This one is totally a personal preference, but I absolutely cannot cut out carbs/grains!  As a fitness instructor and runner, I am the Cardio Queen.  My husband mainly adheres to the Paleo diet, which eliminates grains, and I cannot do it.  I have tried.  But for the amount of cardio I do, my body needs grains for energy.  Without them I am unbelievably sluggish!  So when I need a carb/grain fix, I go for whole grains.  Whole grain bread and whole grain pasta are my favorites and without oatmeal I might starve!  Some people do just fine on a grain-free diet, some don't.  If your body tells you it needs something, listen to it!  But that doesn't mean you should give it the unhealthy version.  Do your research and find out what your body is asking for!

6. Be mindful. As a person working toward recovery from an eating disorder, being mindful is one of the hardest things for me when eating.  I tend to want to distract myself from what I'm doing - read a book, watch TV, read blogs on my phone, etc.  But I've been trying really hard lately to bring myself back to what I'm doing.  Focus on my food.  How does it taste?  What does it look like?  Does it taste the way it smells?  What's my earliest memory of eating this food?  These questions keep me present and focused on what I'm doing which, let's face it, can be really uncomfortable at times.  But I have found that I've felt more satisfied with my food when I am actually paying attention to it.  The natural sweetness of an apple is so much more enjoyable when I actually notice it!  Take the time to honor your food for the nutrients it is giving you, and honor yourself for taking them in!

This Thanksgiving holiday, enjoy your food.  Don't hate on it.  Savor the flavors and know that you can always have leftovers.  You don't have to eat it all in one day.  And besides, you can have pumpkin pie in June!  There is no reason that this food can only be consumed on Thanksgiving!  So enjoy it and rest assured that it's not the last time you'll ever see it.  Moderation, moderation, moderation.  And perhaps a little whipped cream. ;)

Monday, October 12, 2015


Sorry for my absence!  I'm training for a 10k on the 25th and a half marathon in December.  Training has kind of eaten up my free time!  But the good news is, I'm running about 6 miles with little difficulty (without the jogging stroller.  Moderate difficulty with the jogging stroller!)

Thank goodness for the Map My Run app!  I would be lost without it.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Recipe - Banana Oat Raisin "Cookies"

Happy Sunday, and a belated Shana Tova to those who celebrate. :)

I'm sure a great many of you have seen this recipe circulating around on social media.  Maybe you've tried it.  Maybe you've been meaning to.  If you fall into the latter category, my advice is get crackin'!   These cookies are GOOD!

I made a few little modifications to the recipe and it came out even better, if that's imaginable.  Here is the recipe as I made it:

-3 mashed (ripe) bananas
-1/3 cup applesauce
-2 cups oats
-1/4 cup almond/coconut milk mixture (Almond Breeze makes a great unsweetened one)
-1/4 cup dried cranberries
-1/4 cup raisins
-1/3 cup shredded coconut
-1 tsp vanilla
-1 tsp cinnamon

-Preheat oven to 350F (175C)
-Mix mashed banana, applesauce, almond/coconut milk, raisins, cranberries and vanilla in large bowl, set aside
-Mix oats, coconut and cinnamon in a separate bowl, add to banana mixture
-Stir well
-Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray
-Drop dough by tablespoonful onto cookie sheet
-Bake 15 minutes
-If not done, bake in 2 minute intervals until cookies are solid
-Transfer to wire cooling rack 

No added sugar, no oil or butter, sweet enough and totally delicious.  Enjoy! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Oxygen Mask Phenomenon

Good Morning! :)

I was sitting at the table this morning, drinking my coffee and enjoying that specific quiet that only comes before 7:00 am, and it occurred to me that, hey... this is important!

Even before I was a mom, I had a hard time understanding why, on airplanes, when they're giving the pre-flight safety speech (that most everyone ignores because they've heard it a thousand times and already know how to buckle a seatbelt!), they say to put on your oxygen mask before assisting others.

Put yourself first? I would think.  Who DOES that??

Certainly now, as a mother, it seems to go against my instincts even more!  Mind you, I've never been in a situation on a plane where the masks were needed but in my mind it seems ridiculous sometimes to even imagine putting my own oxygen mask on before my daughter's!

The reason is pretty simple: without oxygen you cannot function.  The chances of someone becoming hypoxic in the few seconds it would take you to put your mask on before helping them with theirs is pretty slim.  But if you try to put someone else's mask on before yours and run into a problem, you might become hypoxic in the meantime!  And then, if that happens, that child or person that is depending on you would really be on their own!

And I realized just how often I think this way!  And I also realized that this idea applies to more than just oxygen masks on airplanes.

As a person, not just a mom, I need to take care of myself in order to be able to do the things I need to do in life.  Whether that be showing up for work on time, taking care of my daughter, doing my share of the housework, keeping commitments to friends, etc.

In my mommy-life, I think of it less in terms of oxygen and hypoxia and more in terms of sanity.  If I don't take 5 minutes here and there to do something for ME, I'll lose my sanity!  If I don't let the baby cry in her crib for 10 minutes and walk away and do something else, I'm going to go crazy.  If I go crazy and get angry, how can I be a good parent?  

Oxygen and sanity are both very important.

So take the time.  Take 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes.  Do something to keep yourself sane.  If you need help, ask.  It's not a shameful thing to need help.  Nobody can do everything all by themselves!

Oh, and if you're ever on an airplane and the masks drop down... stay calm, and put your own mask on first!  Even if that seem to contradict everything you think you know about altruism.  

Happy Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

M.O.M - Master Of Multitasking

One thing that never ceases to surprise me about myself as a mother is the variety of things I have discovered I can do one-handed.  Another thing that surprises me almost as much is the variety of things I can't easily do one-handed or while holding a 24-pound child!

Here is a list of things I've found to be difficult to do while holding a baby and the solutions I've found for them:

1.  Eating.  Realistically, eating just about anything is hard to do one-handed.  I've definitely had to base my food choices around whether or not I'm holding a baby (or nursing a baby) at the time of eating.  I usually try to eat when I'm not holding the baby, but sometimes that isn't an option.  In my experience, eating things that you can either cut up beforehand (or have someone cut up for you) and then just grab and pop into your mouth is the easiest route.  Things like cut-up veggies, grilled chicken, hard-boiled egg white, apple slices, etc.  Solid things that you can hold in one hand away from the baby and then take bites of is the next easiest.  Things like string cheese, protein bars, bananas, celery or carrots, and so on.

2.  Carrying groceries into the house.  It wasn't until my daughter was about 4 months old that I had an epiphany about this one.  At my baby shower, someone had given me one of those gigantic carabiners that you can clip onto a stroller or whatever and hang your purse or bags from.  I took this thing, clipped like 5 or 6 grocery bag handles onto it and picked it up in one hand, no problem!  Now I never leave home without it.  That thing comes in handy in so many situations it's not even funny.

3.  Vacuuming.  Once my daughter started crawling, it became clear to me how incredibly important it was going to be to keep the floors clean.  She has a habit of crawling over and finding the ONE PIECE OF DIRT I managed to miss while cleaning.  So vacuuming regularly became a must.  Enter the giant backpack child carrier my friend gave me.  Meant for hiking, this behemoth backpack can fit a child up through toddlerhood!  It's a little cumbersome but it keeps my kid happy (mainly because she can yank on my hair) and gives me both hands free to operate the vacuum.  A Moby wrap, Ergobaby carrier, Baby Bjorn or any other child carrier will work, although it's easier to have them on your back for this.

4.  Laundry.  Leaning over to grab clothes out of a washing machine is hard enough to do when you're not holding a baby!  With a twenty-plus pound child in one arm it can be nearly impossible.  My saving grace for laundry has been... a plastic laundry basket.  $5 from Target.  I put it on the floor, toss a few toys in it, set the baby in it and hold it in place with my foot (in case she tries to pull herself up on the side and it tips.)  It keeps her busy for several minutes and I can switch a load of laundry with two hands (hey now..)  But if your baby won't tolerate being set in the basket, the baby carrier will be the way to go.  Many times you can use the carrier to hold the baby on your hip if they're big enough. 

5.  Exercising.  Obviously going for walks with a baby is easy.  But what about lifting weights and doing toning exercises?  My solution: use the baby as your weight and get cracking!  The internet is rife with baby-and-me exercises for parents.  Some recommend using a baby carrier, others don't.  Look around on the internet and see what appeals to you!

Don't forget... being a mom is already a superhuman accomplishment.  Everything else is just icing on the cake.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Secret Weapon - Tupperware!

In keeping with the theme of this blog... want an idea for a fast, easy dinner that you can throw together in 5 minutes?  Behold the wondrous SALAD!


Don't you hate wilted lettuce?  It always happens to me where I buy a bag of salad mix and use some of it for a salad for dinner one night, and before I have a chance to use the rest, it wilts!  Every freaking time!

Enter Tupperware.

If you divide the lettuce evenly between Tupperware containers, the portions you don't use will keep in the fridge nicely.  Even up to 5 days!  Another upshot of using tupperware for this purpose is that you can just throw your salad toppings into the Tupperware, snap the lid, shake shake shake and BAM!  Evenly distributed salad dressing and toppings, and it's good to go, too.

Whoever invented Tupperware is a genius.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

8 Favorite Apps This Fall

Happy September!

Where did the summer go?  Is it really September 1st today??  Holy smokes.

As a busy mom and fitness instructor, I find myself relying on my phone for a lot of things: reminders, calendar, social interaction, GPS, music, etc.  It's safe to say that without my phone, I would be royally screwed.

I have the iPhone 5S, and it is loaded (and I do mean loaded) with apps.  I thought I would highlight for you the ones I find myself using the most.

1. The Calendar app.  This is one that comes on the iPhone and I use it literally every day.  I put every single appointment into my phone as soon as I make it, and I set one alert for the day before and the second alert for 2 hours before.  I use this in conjunction with the calendar on my refrigerator.  Between the two I manage to keep myself fairly organized.

2.  The Weather app.  This app comes in handy for me, especially since I live in Oregon.  It's another one that comes on the phone automatically.  Oregon is notorious for having weird weather, especially in the Spring and Fall.  It's not unusual to have rain, sun, fog, wind and sleet/snow/hail all in one day here, so knowing what the general temperature will be beforehand is very helpful.  The takeaway point here: be prepared and expect the unexpected!

3.  Facebook.  The Facebook app is sometimes kind of finicky.  Some people call it "crashbook" because the app will sometimes close for no reason, but I rarely experience this.  I use this many times per day, and it was a free app so... what's not to love about that?

4.  Instagram.  In my experience, Instagram has more glitches than Facebook on my phone, but that's not really saying much because I don't have much trouble with the Facebook app.  I like Instagram because it's easy but it does annoy me that the pictures have to be square.  Many times I've had to use one of my photography editing apps to make a picture the right shape or size to go on Instagram.  #firstworldproblems seriously!

5.  Skinny Mom.  "Where moms get the skinny on healthy living."  This free app offers an impressive drop-down menu, including a recipe index (which I use often!), a fitness section, a lifestyle section, a health section and more!  I use this app mainly for the recipes, although I've been known to look to it for guidance when I need to change up my workout routine.

6.  Bitmoji.  While not a fan of the Bitstrip comics, Bitmoji does amuse me.  My good friend and I send Bitmojis back and forth on a daily basis.  Featuring your look-alike cartoon character (that really looks nothing like you at all, given the crazy big eyes and Popeye-esque forearms), there is a Bitmoji for every conversation!  Some of them are pretty funny.

7.  Jumbline 2.  I'm a HUUUUGE fan of word jumbles.  Whenever I get the newspaper I always do the jumble first.  Jumbline 2 appears to have unlimited levels (since I'm at level 500-something and still going) and you can choose from 5, 6 or 7 letter words.  Definitely an app for a scrabble lover!  And it's free. :)

8.  MapMyRun.  Since my 9-month-old doesn't always allow me time to go to the gym, and a nap is never a given so I can't be sure I'll have time to hit my home-gym either, I've taken to running around my neighborhood with her in a jogging stroller.  After the first time I went, though, I wondered how far I had gone.  So I searched "free running apps" and this is the one I ended up with!  Maps your course, keeps time, distance and split pace.  It's great!  Also allows you to share it to twitter and Facebook.

So those are my 8 favorite apps right now.  I use them pretty much every day (if not actually every day).  Check them out!  If they don't appeal to you, something else will.  Remember, whatever you need, there's probably an app for that!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Secret Weapon - Crockpot

The crockpot is my best friend.

Don't tell that to my actual friends.  But really, I'd be lost without it.  We would be living off of salad with microwaved Morning Star Black Bean patties and cereal if it wasn't for the crockpot.  

Here is something I discovered this past winter that I wish I would have known earlier: the crockpot makes the very best, and I do mean the very best, chicken.  It's embarrassingly easy.  And here's the secret: soup.

For a dinner that is as versatile as it is convenient, put chicken breast in the crockpot, add a can of soup, and cook on high for an hour and a half.  Yep, you read that right.  90 minutes.  Add whatever else you want and voilá!  Family-pleasing food and it only took you 5 minutes to prepare!

The other day I looked in the fridge, wondering what to make for dinner, and I saw I had some chicken breast that was almost to its' "use or freeze by" date.  So I opened the pantry, stared into the depths for a moment, and quickly conjured up this recipe from what I had.

Crockpot Chicken-and-Whatever Soup

-Chicken breast (about a pound), cut into 1 inch pieces
-1 can Progresso light creamy tomato soup
-1 can mixed black, pinto and kidney beans (or any single bean work too)
-salt and pepper to taste
-shredded cheese (optional)

1) Put all ingredients into crockpot.
2)  Cook on high for 90 minutes.
3)  Sprinkle shredded cheese on top, if desired.

It works with literally any kind of soup you want!  Or salsa is another good option.  Or water, if you just want plain old chicken.  Basically the formula is like this:  chicken + liquid + 90 min on high = food.  Remember that basic information and you're good.  Be creative!  Have fun!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

10 Minutes Or Less

As Mommy to a 9-month-old, I understand all too well the meaning of the words "I don't have time."  Just when I am getting started on something I need to get done, the baby wakes up or needs a diaper change or wants to nurse.  Heaven forbid I should walk out of her sight to try to do anything for more than a second at a time!  Even going to the bathroom has become a group activity!  With a baby and two French Bulldogs - there's barely room for me!  So often I fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day and my to-do list is still a mile long.  Such is life with a baby.

Oftentimes all I have is 10 minutes.  10 minutes to do something for ME.

So I've compiled a list of 10 things I, personally, like to do for myself that take 10 minutes or less.  If you feel short on time, I encourage you to make a list like this!  And when you find yourself needing some "me time", refer to the list and pick the one that sounds the best right then!  10 minutes isn't much but it's better than nothing!

1.  Play a "mindless" game.  One of my go-to things when I have a few minutes to myself is to play a game on my phone.  Word jumbles and solitaire are my two faves.  It's good just to numb out and focus on the game instead of the piles of laundry and dishes.  Those can wait for 10 minutes!

2.  Go for a walk.  Obviously this one doesn't apply when the baby is napping, since you can't leave them at home by themselves, but if you're alone and just overwhelmed by chores (or anything, really!) then a walk is a great way to clear your head!  Listen to music or just tune in to the ambient sounds around you.  It's an awesome way to refocus.  And it leads into my number three....

3.  Exercise.  This is my number one thing I like to do when I have time to myself.  I have an elliptical and free weights at my house, so when the baby is napping I like to go down to the "gym room" and work out.  Even if I only get 10 minutes, like I said before, it's better than nothing!

4.  Have a drink.  For me, having a drink means coffee or tea.  Or diet soda, if I'm feeling particularly adventurous.  I'm not advocating drinking alcohol in an unhealthy way, but I know lots of people who like to unwind with a glass of wine in the evenings.  But if we're talking midday, pour yourself a glass of juice, soda, sparkling water, hell, even chocolate milk if you like!  Sit down, relax, chill out.  Or make a cup of coffee or tea and sip it slowly, enjoy the flavor.  

5.  Plan.  I love having a plan.  When I feel stressed and discombobulated, making lists and plans makes me feel calmer.  Plan a party.  Plan a meal.  Plan a trip.  Plan a shopping trip.  Plan a surprise.  Just planning something helps you feel in control, and that makes everything a little easier.

6.  Treat your feet.  Our poor feet!  We walk around on them ALL DAY and rarely ever do we thank them!  Think about it - the whole of your body weight (plus whatever/whomever you are carrying!) resting on the relatively small surface area of the bottoms of your feet!  Take some lotion and massage your poor little feet.  Get in between your toes, too!  Rub your arches.  The poor dears are overworked and seriously underpaid!

7.  Write a letter.  My best friend lives in Canada and we often send packages and letters to each other.  It's just a fun way to stay connected (other than via electronics, that is!)  It only takes a couple minutes to jot a few lines.  We often do what I call a "running letter" - meaning it runs over several days.  Each new day I write the date on the letter so she can see which days it covered.

8.  Read.  A magazine, a book, a favorite blog (this one, perhaps?), the back of a cereal box - whatever it is, take a few minutes to transport yourself out of your current surroundings by reading something!  Whether it's substantial reading or the latest issue of Cosmopolitan, reading can really get you out of your own head!

9.  Laugh out loud.  When I'm really stressed out, I love to go on to YouTube, look up funny animal videos, and laugh until my abs hurt!  Fail compilation videos are also good for a daily dose of schadenfreude.  Whatever tickles your fancy, laugh it up!  You'll burn calories and feel great.  What's not to love about that?

10.  Kick back.  Sometimes just laying back and doing absolutely nothing is exactly what I need.  I close my eyes and try to hold as still as possible.  I try to imagine a blank screen.  Don't think.  Don't wonder.  Don't worry.  Don't move.  It's the only form of meditation that really works for me.

Whatever you do to take care of yourself, remember that it doesn't need to be for hours on end (although if you have hours, be grateful!)  Even 10 minutes here and there can do wonders for your sanity.  Be kind to yourself.  Love yourself.  We are all doing the best we can!

Happy Wednesday! xoxoxo

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome To Fit Minute!

Welcome to Fit Minute!  A blog for everyone.

Fit Minute is a blog written by a mom who often only has a minute.  

"Fit" is a very useful word.  It can be a reference to exercise.  It can be a reference to food.  Or it can be a reference to a busy life where you have to fit in time for yourself!

This blog is going to be about self-care, focusing primarily on things you can do for yourself when you only have a minute to fit it in.  I hope to feature guest bloggers eventually and draw ideas from all over the world.

This blog is written by a mom but it's not only for moms!

This blog is for everyone!  Everyone needs self-care.  You don't have to be a mom to be busy!  

Let's start with introductions:

My name is Kate.  I am a 28-year-old mom of one from Oregon, USA.  You might know me already from my other blog (come visit me at www.thehauntedcrow.blogspot.com) where I chronicled life with a stubborn eating disorder all the way through pregnancy, birth and beyond.  I will still be updating that blog.  In fact, that's my blogging home.  This blog is meant to complement that one.

I'm not just a mom.  I'm also a fitness instructor, teaching Aqua Fit and Zumba classes many times per week.  I'm a dog-mom, too.  I have two adorable French Bulldogs, Abigail (Abby) and Jax.  I'm a wife, married nearly two years now.  We just moved earlier this month and are settling in.  I love to cook, bake, exercise, read, write, dance, and take loooooong showers (although that's a luxury I almost never get anymore).  My favorite season is Fall, my favorite holiday is Halloween, my favorite color is turquoise and my favorite food is peanut butter.

My daughter was born November 23, 2014.  Life has never been the same since.  I am busier than I ever thought possible.  I'm more exhausted than I've ever been.  I have less time than I ever expected.  Enter this blog.

Let's do our best to take care of ourselves with the limited time we have.  Let's work to cherish each day and love without fear.  Let's try to be the best people we can be while still taking care of ourselves.  

Stay tuned for entries and updates coming soon!

Happy Tuesday! xoxoxo :)